I want to write about the election. I feel like i should write about the election.
But honestly... have this uncomfortable feeling that it's not much to say.
For me it's so obvious. Obama over McCain any day. Not only because it's the better choice of the two. But to me it's not about who would be the better president in the case of an emergency, which seems to be a common angle to look at this thing from.
I see a country that so badly needs attention drawn to the real problems, the actual cause! Not only a lot of dwelling about the symptoms.
I see a country which is slow.
The US like to think at itself as the leading country and with that comes an assumption that they're ahead of the rest of the world. That attitude lead countries as Sweden to fully buy that lie. Sweden is starting to regress while thinking it's advancing when Sweden really backing up just to follow in the footsteps of the states.
The US seem to think that the outside world is a threat. The world isn't a place where we could get suggestions, ideas, see how experiments turn out and take advices from. No the outside world is a far away place that we need to keep far away. So called "new" ideas has to come from inside the country. Everything else is either terrorism or communism.
Maybe I'm harsh. Maybe.
This country suffered tremendously under the reign of George Bush. A president most people in this country did not want.
If you think George Bush was bad...to choose John McCain is not only a step in the same direction, it's a continuation of the destruction of this country.
Those things that you might think have developed in this country during the last hundred years is now in danger. For example, this country wasn't ready for a female president, but do we have to back up so far that the woman is going to lose the right to her own body again?
The presidential debates touches these things but not more. I want more passion, more sincerity, about the real issues at stake. This country badly needs equality! And how can we achieve that? By healthcare for everybody! By more balanced taxes, that will not be wasted on an oil war. By education!!!
I could go on forever but what I'm interested in is the politicians going on instead! And the people listening.
People around me here in New York are listening. They're hoping and praying for change. While seeing the country falling apart around them, they're dreaming, wishing so tenderly, about the day when Obama becomes our president.
As my dance teacher said at class:
We were dancing to a song with light plingy music. She asked if we listened to the music, did we feel the lightness, the happiness. She wanted us to capture that more in our movement. She said: Dance like it's the day when Obama just won the election!
While so many within the art world trying to hide the direct political messeges, trying to be more general, it's uplifting to hear those who speak their mind and openly stand for their opinions. And as it seems, speaking for many of us. Do I have to mention that my teachers advice in class really worked? =)
About my thoughts everyday art opinions politics photos feelings. Mostly in english but some in swedish and some in "swenglish".
17 October, 2008
Recently I went to Newark Airport to say goodbye to a friend. Then I went home and watched the Final Destination movies. I'm really happy I didn't do it the other way around...
I will explain...
For you who don't know, Final destination, Final Destination 2 and Final Destination 3, are crappy movies about different accidental gruesome deaths, all starting with visions and foretelling signs of a huge accident.
Anyways, this is the picture I took on the air train:
I will explain...
For you who don't know, Final destination, Final Destination 2 and Final Destination 3, are crappy movies about different accidental gruesome deaths, all starting with visions and foretelling signs of a huge accident.
Anyways, this is the picture I took on the air train:
15 October, 2008
My electronics are starting to fall apart...all at once. So annoying. I love my little thingys...
My digital camera is giving me problems again. (Acting like it's out of batteries even when they're brand new.) I smashed the touch screen on my Nintendo DS. Aoch. So unnecessary.
Nothing is wrong with my phone except that I changed to a new skin. Just see through plastic. I'm usually good at those things but oh no so horrible this got! Bubbles and fingerprints and not pretty at all.
This is so not real problems, I know.
But it's those little things that have made me feel luxurious, that has entertained me and actually been giving me some happiness. It's not only mindless entertainment. The camera as a tool to create art, the ds as a tool in practicing my Spanish. My toys...that I now miss to play with.
But not to worry, I can still spoil myself with my wii at home =)
My digital camera is giving me problems again. (Acting like it's out of batteries even when they're brand new.) I smashed the touch screen on my Nintendo DS. Aoch. So unnecessary.
Nothing is wrong with my phone except that I changed to a new skin. Just see through plastic. I'm usually good at those things but oh no so horrible this got! Bubbles and fingerprints and not pretty at all.
This is so not real problems, I know.
But it's those little things that have made me feel luxurious, that has entertained me and actually been giving me some happiness. It's not only mindless entertainment. The camera as a tool to create art, the ds as a tool in practicing my Spanish. My toys...that I now miss to play with.
But not to worry, I can still spoil myself with my wii at home =)
I suck at this. Haven't written in so long. So now everything wants to come out at once. I've been busy, trying to get my life together, and it's been going somewhat well =) but therefor I haven't had any time to write. Don't tonight either. Gotta sleep!! Early morning tmrw but god knows I could easily stay up all night but no no, got rehearsal tomorrow and more important than giving after to all the urges for things I want to get done!
Do you want my mental notes in the meantime? Hockey comparison, obvious election, reaching. Yeah not so interesting like that. I'll try to get to the real thing soon instead, sounds good?
Jag saknar att skriva på svenska. (I miss writing in Swedish)
But blogging is good. To have a blog makes me more inclined to actually write! I don't want it to die out, nope! Thinking about making this blog even more personal...yes, no?
I've been cleaning out my house lately. Just gutting out every shelf and drawer to reorganize. No fancy new furniture or painting or anything, just a reevaluation of my system. I'm a little bit ocd maybe. LOVE it when everything is perfectly organised. Papers in folders. Folders in cases. Cases on shelf. With door. Wow. I hope the wellprotectedness doesn't say something about my personality. Or why not.
Back to the subject of Swedish. I was in the belly of a Swedishspeaking mom. I've been very talkative all my life. Which I mostly lived in Sweden. Been writing a lot, been studying as well, in Swedish. So how come when I go through some papers and find an old recipe, I stare at the word "basilika" and can not understand what it means. It's a recipe, so I know it's a spice. But it was only the similarity to the English word that led me to the conclusion it meant basil.
It has happened to me before. That I stared at a common Swedish word and even though I slowly can figure out what it means I still didn't find the feeling for the word, feeling what it meant, like how I do with most other words.
I speak Swedish almost every day here. Or at least every other. Or third. Or something like that. But it's so accepted to just use the English word instead when that's what comes up first in my head.
I feel a bit stupid. It shouldn't be so hard to speak (read) my first language fluently! Especially not as it's almost the only language I spoke for my first 20 years!!! It feels slightly scary since I know I could never be as good at English as I am in Swedish.
I guess the reason is that I never get put in Swedish situations. In the store, on the phone, at the street, on the subway, at class, it's always English. Swedish I only speak with friends. When we chose to not speak English to each other.
I should read more Swedish books again!!
And speaking of should...I should be writing my bio now instead of this! (Not the book, that comes later ;) just a short thing for school) Now it's too late, gotta sleep.
Thanks for reading.
Will write more soon.
Do you want my mental notes in the meantime? Hockey comparison, obvious election, reaching. Yeah not so interesting like that. I'll try to get to the real thing soon instead, sounds good?
Jag saknar att skriva på svenska. (I miss writing in Swedish)
But blogging is good. To have a blog makes me more inclined to actually write! I don't want it to die out, nope! Thinking about making this blog even more personal...yes, no?
I've been cleaning out my house lately. Just gutting out every shelf and drawer to reorganize. No fancy new furniture or painting or anything, just a reevaluation of my system. I'm a little bit ocd maybe. LOVE it when everything is perfectly organised. Papers in folders. Folders in cases. Cases on shelf. With door. Wow. I hope the wellprotectedness doesn't say something about my personality. Or why not.
Back to the subject of Swedish. I was in the belly of a Swedishspeaking mom. I've been very talkative all my life. Which I mostly lived in Sweden. Been writing a lot, been studying as well, in Swedish. So how come when I go through some papers and find an old recipe, I stare at the word "basilika" and can not understand what it means. It's a recipe, so I know it's a spice. But it was only the similarity to the English word that led me to the conclusion it meant basil.
It has happened to me before. That I stared at a common Swedish word and even though I slowly can figure out what it means I still didn't find the feeling for the word, feeling what it meant, like how I do with most other words.
I speak Swedish almost every day here. Or at least every other. Or third. Or something like that. But it's so accepted to just use the English word instead when that's what comes up first in my head.
I feel a bit stupid. It shouldn't be so hard to speak (read) my first language fluently! Especially not as it's almost the only language I spoke for my first 20 years!!! It feels slightly scary since I know I could never be as good at English as I am in Swedish.
I guess the reason is that I never get put in Swedish situations. In the store, on the phone, at the street, on the subway, at class, it's always English. Swedish I only speak with friends. When we chose to not speak English to each other.
I should read more Swedish books again!!
And speaking of should...I should be writing my bio now instead of this! (Not the book, that comes later ;) just a short thing for school) Now it's too late, gotta sleep.
Thanks for reading.
Will write more soon.
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