Min Dator vill inte. Men jag vill skriva.
Nysnö, djupsnö. Lappvantar. Skare. Tö. Slask. Kramsnö.
Den har inte kommit än.
Men hur förklarar jag känslan utan orden?
Jag dansar.
Singlande flingor under gatlyktan i den isolerande tystnaden, mörkret känns bländande vitt... den inbäddande ensamheten är för vacker i sig för att uttryckas istället för att upplevas.
Jag vill. Men mina papper vill inte. Släppa ut mig från byråkratins labyrinter innan jag hittat ut alldeles själv. Och ja, innan jag hittat ut har jag nog hunnit bli väldigt ensam.
Allt enligt den norländska folksjälen.
Ger du dig ut på äventyr blir du mycket ensam. Nej du ska stanna där du kommer ifrån. Långt inne i granskogen finns tryggheten. Ensam ja, men det förblir du ju ändå... Där har du ju ändå tystnaden som sällskap, som stämmer överens med ditt hjärtas djup.
Det finns en anledning till att sjöar är grundare än havet.
Jag bodde där mitt i vidskepelsernas hemligaste nav. Där människorna tryckte på och störde för att slå sig till ro.
Det jag minns är inte så mycket lektioner och bullbak. Det jag minns är förutom supermario och snuviga kulspel och hopprep mest en saga om det kurvade trädet, granen jag kunde gömma mig under, snåret där det växte ljung, skogsdungen där jag begravde mina grodor och olyckliga grodyngel i tändsticksaskar, sjön som frös om vintrarna och badades i om somrarna, kullarna där vi tumlade runt i snön nerför backen, de stackars björkarna som var allt från hus till gungor, alla tusen snöänglar och snölyktor och snökojor, flotten vi försökte bygga i dammen och så starkt minns jag dessa byggarbetsplatser vi absolut inte fick vara på men som vi byggde en hel värld i.
Sedan minns jag branden som vi visste skulle komma och på nåt sätt var barndomen över men till min förvåning fortsatte sagorna att viska.
About my thoughts everyday art opinions politics photos feelings. Mostly in english but some in swedish and some in "swenglish".
22 November, 2008
16 November, 2008
Hate Love???
There's so much hate in this world. There's wars. There's starvation. There's poverty. There's violence. There's disasters and accidents.
There's so much to improve. There's so much we could do. There's so much that needs attention.
With all this hate in the world, I cannot see how anyone can put their energy to fight love. To object to those few people that just want to be with the person they love and who loves them back.
With all this hate in the world how can anyone waste their mind and energy to work against gay love?
You may or may not disagree of who anybody else loves but HOW can you take time from everything else to fight against LOVE?
I do NOT see that as one of our world's biggest problem, but as the opposite.
Love is this world's most beautiful thing and belongs to the lucky.
Make your choice of how you want this world to be.
There's so much to improve. There's so much we could do. There's so much that needs attention.
With all this hate in the world, I cannot see how anyone can put their energy to fight love. To object to those few people that just want to be with the person they love and who loves them back.
With all this hate in the world how can anyone waste their mind and energy to work against gay love?
You may or may not disagree of who anybody else loves but HOW can you take time from everything else to fight against LOVE?
I do NOT see that as one of our world's biggest problem, but as the opposite.
Love is this world's most beautiful thing and belongs to the lucky.
Make your choice of how you want this world to be.
14 November, 2008
The name Hussein
It's so scary.
The racism that's spreading in this country.
I've seen arguments online, well let me give you a quote: (the republicans) "elects a president who orders the capture and death of a hussein and comes through...your jackass democratic party elects a man named hussein to replace him."
People are not talking politics anymore. They are hating.
They're basically claiming that if you have a common name as Hussein you must be a bad person since you have the same name as Saddam Hussein. Where's the logic in this?
Obamas name Hussein been argued before. If you google "the name Hussein" you get a lot of hits referring to Obama. And also this information:
Meaning: "Good Boy, Good Looking Boy"
Origin: Arabic
Both African and Arabic usage and has several variations in spelling.
So if a dictator happened to be greek and named Sofia, that would mean that I'm an evil person? I don't think it even means that all greeks are bad people. And I can not by any means see the connection that all swedish people would be evil? Because there is a lot of swedish people named Sofia. And that is the kind of (lack of) logic that's being argued here.
The racism that's spreading in this country.
I've seen arguments online, well let me give you a quote: (the republicans) "elects a president who orders the capture and death of a hussein and comes through...your jackass democratic party elects a man named hussein to replace him."
People are not talking politics anymore. They are hating.
They're basically claiming that if you have a common name as Hussein you must be a bad person since you have the same name as Saddam Hussein. Where's the logic in this?
Obamas name Hussein been argued before. If you google "the name Hussein" you get a lot of hits referring to Obama. And also this information:
Meaning: "Good Boy, Good Looking Boy"
Origin: Arabic
Both African and Arabic usage and has several variations in spelling.
So if a dictator happened to be greek and named Sofia, that would mean that I'm an evil person? I don't think it even means that all greeks are bad people. And I can not by any means see the connection that all swedish people would be evil? Because there is a lot of swedish people named Sofia. And that is the kind of (lack of) logic that's being argued here.
07 November, 2008
Worth noting
CNN says:
Number of votes cast set record, but voter turnout percentage didn't
About 127 million votes cast, shattering 2004 record by at least 4.3 million votes.
Turnout percentage about 61 percent, compared with 1960's 67 percent.
Number of votes cast set record, but voter turnout percentage didn't
About 127 million votes cast, shattering 2004 record by at least 4.3 million votes.
Turnout percentage about 61 percent, compared with 1960's 67 percent.
06 November, 2008
Yesterday morning I faced the streets in NYC with a different perspective. People were smiling and calmer than usual. There was excitement in the air.
At night the empire state building was shining in all blue colors. A dad tried to explain to his daughter that it was because Barack Obama won the election, that his party, the democrats' color was blue. She said: "Or maybe it's because Obama's favourite color is blue!"
Dance teachers at class are joking about it. "Yes we can" and "change we can believe in" are frequently used ;)
A lot of people really have been given hope. This city is now breathing hope and expectations, with a bad after taste caused by some bitter republicans that take every opportunity to call Obama and his supporters bad names.
At night the empire state building was shining in all blue colors. A dad tried to explain to his daughter that it was because Barack Obama won the election, that his party, the democrats' color was blue. She said: "Or maybe it's because Obama's favourite color is blue!"
Dance teachers at class are joking about it. "Yes we can" and "change we can believe in" are frequently used ;)
A lot of people really have been given hope. This city is now breathing hope and expectations, with a bad after taste caused by some bitter republicans that take every opportunity to call Obama and his supporters bad names.
05 November, 2008
Reflections of the election
For the first time since I moved here, I'm proud to live in this country. America IS great. But before this election a lot of bad, stupid and evil decisions have been made.
As a Swedish person with a big interest in this election I've gotten a lot of reactions. Many are surprised that I care. Some say that I always have Sweden so it shouldn't really matter to me, I could just move back there.
But it's not that easy. I've been living here for around five years, or is it soon six? I'm starting to build a life here. I've been living most of my adult life in this country. New York is now the place where I feel at home the most. My mom's home will always be the big "HOME", forever, because of my family. But the city and country and people that I feel most connected to is right here. This is what I live and understand now. So it's been frustrating to feel that this decision was totally out of my hands. I got no right to vote. Even though it's affecting me and my life here.
It's true though that I have the luxury to turn to Sweden if things get too hard here. It feels safe beyond words and I will always love Sweden for it's well fare, it's nature and beauty.
Those words that were used in this campaign. I'm finally realizing what it means in reality. On a personal level. For the first time I feel hope for this country. I feel hope for my life here. Some of the stress I had about going back to Sweden when it's time for kids, when I'm getting older, is finally starting to release it's grip around me. Maybe now I would actually dare to stay here where I have my life, my friends, my home. I feel hope. I feel safer. Maybe I can, yes I can ;)
(As long as frequent long trips to Sweden is possible, because being far from my family is terrifying and draining and I need them!)
The speech yesterday...I got tears in my eyes. We did it!! We really did it!! I helped the best way I could, by spreading my opinion. Big thanks to all those who got out and voted for Obama, thank you thank you thank you!
I know Americans who used to be ashamed when they traveled abroad. They wanted a big shirt declaring: I did NOT vote for Bush! Well, not anymore, now you can be proud again!
I heard a lot of weird reactions from republicans all day yesterday.
Here's a quote from a reply to me in an online discussion I took part in: "You see...you're an idealist. Idealists have all kinds of lofty goals for themselves and for everyone else, and while admirable (eliminating poverty, ending domestic and international violence, etc) sounds great, it's just not going to happen. Oh, and it's obvious you adhere to Socialist principles too (=ultra-left-wing Yahoo!!!!), which makes any statement you make utterly ridiculous and dismissible as insanity. I can care less what someone like you thinks of what I think, because your views are so far outside of the scope of plausibility, it's LAUGHABLE.."
Well since he think left wings are so laughable, I wished him a good laughter when Obama wins. =)
This is another of his lovely quotes: "What a bunch of baby whiners you dirty libs are! While you spend your life wasting your vote on vainly trying to cure all of society's ills, I'll put mine to good, constructive use that can benefit me"
(If he wants to get credit for his words I'll put his name here but not without his permission since it's taken from a somewhat closed community.)
I'm glad that the conversation turned around so we could discuss actual politics again but it's interesting to read his upset reaction to my political opinions. Because I think it's not only frustration from somebody that felt they were on their way to lose, but I also think that it comes from a big fear that this might be a way of thinking that's going to start to die out soon. Maybe I'm too optimistic, but I AM optimistic now!
Other insane things I heard from the republicans were the comparison between Obama and, of all people, Hitler!! I got told this has been an argument from the right wing through out the campaign, but it hasn't come across me until this last week. (NY is not a state that either party really cares about because it's always so obvious they will vote for the democrats)
This comparison upsets me! Why not call him for what he really is? A charismatic leader and a great speaker!! Does that make you Hitler? Was Jesus like Hitler?? Is Dalai Lama like Hitler? Come on...if that's the best you can do I'm not surprised you lost the election!!
As a Swedish person with a big interest in this election I've gotten a lot of reactions. Many are surprised that I care. Some say that I always have Sweden so it shouldn't really matter to me, I could just move back there.
But it's not that easy. I've been living here for around five years, or is it soon six? I'm starting to build a life here. I've been living most of my adult life in this country. New York is now the place where I feel at home the most. My mom's home will always be the big "HOME", forever, because of my family. But the city and country and people that I feel most connected to is right here. This is what I live and understand now. So it's been frustrating to feel that this decision was totally out of my hands. I got no right to vote. Even though it's affecting me and my life here.
It's true though that I have the luxury to turn to Sweden if things get too hard here. It feels safe beyond words and I will always love Sweden for it's well fare, it's nature and beauty.
Those words that were used in this campaign. I'm finally realizing what it means in reality. On a personal level. For the first time I feel hope for this country. I feel hope for my life here. Some of the stress I had about going back to Sweden when it's time for kids, when I'm getting older, is finally starting to release it's grip around me. Maybe now I would actually dare to stay here where I have my life, my friends, my home. I feel hope. I feel safer. Maybe I can, yes I can ;)
(As long as frequent long trips to Sweden is possible, because being far from my family is terrifying and draining and I need them!)
The speech yesterday...I got tears in my eyes. We did it!! We really did it!! I helped the best way I could, by spreading my opinion. Big thanks to all those who got out and voted for Obama, thank you thank you thank you!
I know Americans who used to be ashamed when they traveled abroad. They wanted a big shirt declaring: I did NOT vote for Bush! Well, not anymore, now you can be proud again!
I heard a lot of weird reactions from republicans all day yesterday.
Here's a quote from a reply to me in an online discussion I took part in: "You see...you're an idealist. Idealists have all kinds of lofty goals for themselves and for everyone else, and while admirable (eliminating poverty, ending domestic and international violence, etc) sounds great, it's just not going to happen. Oh, and it's obvious you adhere to Socialist principles too (=ultra-left-wing Yahoo!!!!), which makes any statement you make utterly ridiculous and dismissible as insanity. I can care less what someone like you thinks of what I think, because your views are so far outside of the scope of plausibility, it's LAUGHABLE.."
Well since he think left wings are so laughable, I wished him a good laughter when Obama wins. =)
This is another of his lovely quotes: "What a bunch of baby whiners you dirty libs are! While you spend your life wasting your vote on vainly trying to cure all of society's ills, I'll put mine to good, constructive use that can benefit me"
(If he wants to get credit for his words I'll put his name here but not without his permission since it's taken from a somewhat closed community.)
I'm glad that the conversation turned around so we could discuss actual politics again but it's interesting to read his upset reaction to my political opinions. Because I think it's not only frustration from somebody that felt they were on their way to lose, but I also think that it comes from a big fear that this might be a way of thinking that's going to start to die out soon. Maybe I'm too optimistic, but I AM optimistic now!
Other insane things I heard from the republicans were the comparison between Obama and, of all people, Hitler!! I got told this has been an argument from the right wing through out the campaign, but it hasn't come across me until this last week. (NY is not a state that either party really cares about because it's always so obvious they will vote for the democrats)
This comparison upsets me! Why not call him for what he really is? A charismatic leader and a great speaker!! Does that make you Hitler? Was Jesus like Hitler?? Is Dalai Lama like Hitler? Come on...if that's the best you can do I'm not surprised you lost the election!!
04 November, 2008
Thank you all american voters!
I'm almost out of words right now...
I'm so happy.
I'm grateful to all American voters! Thank you!
We just popped a bottle of wine open, celebrating, me and my friends.
This is something to celebrate!
On my facebook status I wrote: Sofia is happy and grateful to all voting Americans.
Already got hate mail.
So the republicans seems pissed. Disappointed.
I can't blame them. ...But didn't they really see this coming?
None of my friends dared to utter the words until it was definite, damaged from earlier election nightmares!
But I'm not surprised. Just very very happy!
This country needed change! This country has been in crisis.
Ooooh, now I need to watch the acceptance speech!
Time to celebrate!
I'm so happy.
I'm grateful to all American voters! Thank you!
We just popped a bottle of wine open, celebrating, me and my friends.
This is something to celebrate!
On my facebook status I wrote: Sofia is happy and grateful to all voting Americans.
Already got hate mail.
So the republicans seems pissed. Disappointed.
I can't blame them. ...But didn't they really see this coming?
None of my friends dared to utter the words until it was definite, damaged from earlier election nightmares!
But I'm not surprised. Just very very happy!
This country needed change! This country has been in crisis.
Ooooh, now I need to watch the acceptance speech!
Time to celebrate!
02 November, 2008
John McCain wants to change Washington. Barack Obama wants to change the country.
It means something more than the obvious. McCain's focus is on the people with power, the people with money. Obama's focus is on all of us.
I come from a country where taxes have made the difference, they have made it possible to achieve more equality and more quality that the entire country benefits from. I can not understand the objection and selfishness that I hear about, the reaction from the rich that want to "keep their own money" that they earn. Don't they see that what they get back is worth more than what they will pay in taxes? Not only because it's so important that you can't value it in money but also because you get your money's worth literally. Health care and education for everybody does not only cost less for everyone compared to how much it would cost when it's every man for himself. The benefits of a well being country will also benefit the wealthy. The surroundings and the environment for yourself, for your kids, for everyone. When you have an entire country's good in mind it's good for, exactly: everyone! Equality benefits us all, because it gives us all a priceless quality of life.
It means something more than the obvious. McCain's focus is on the people with power, the people with money. Obama's focus is on all of us.
I come from a country where taxes have made the difference, they have made it possible to achieve more equality and more quality that the entire country benefits from. I can not understand the objection and selfishness that I hear about, the reaction from the rich that want to "keep their own money" that they earn. Don't they see that what they get back is worth more than what they will pay in taxes? Not only because it's so important that you can't value it in money but also because you get your money's worth literally. Health care and education for everybody does not only cost less for everyone compared to how much it would cost when it's every man for himself. The benefits of a well being country will also benefit the wealthy. The surroundings and the environment for yourself, for your kids, for everyone. When you have an entire country's good in mind it's good for, exactly: everyone! Equality benefits us all, because it gives us all a priceless quality of life.
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