About my thoughts everyday art opinions politics photos feelings. Mostly in english but some in swedish and some in "swenglish".
30 July, 2009
28 July, 2009
I found these at wholefoods and there's no gelatin in them or
artificial colorings, like in every other brand I've seen!
And...I just love the style of the label :)
23 July, 2009
God Bless America
Clouds in the sky clouds in my brain...

My brain is very still. Relaxing.
In that mindset where everything is thought with a resistance in a nice relaxing underwater manner.
No room for unnecessary thoughts, no especially clever activity either. Just calmness.
I'm sure it has to do with the outlet that dancing yesterday gave me. My brain has nothing it desperatly needs to express. So now I'm just going to enjoy this until I have to get ready and get going to dance some more.
22 July, 2009
My lunch spot:

Pavement summer...
21 July, 2009
Bad news: it's raining.
Good news: it's raining.
More time to just focus on dancing. Don't have to worry about missing out on summer since there really isn't much of a summer to miss out on. Looks like it's going to be raining all week. On the other hand it would have been nice to be able to make the most of my time off. Like lunch in the park and Sundays on the beach. It's energizing. Well well. If someone could promise me a vacation to a warm country in November I wouldn't worry so much... ;)
20 July, 2009
Om språk
A thought, today in the car, after my happy battle with the waves.
19 July, 2009
The effortless easiness of the water combined with the smooth resistance is such a strengthening experience for me.
It's 9am and I'm waiting for the house to really wake up. Until then I'm just enjoying the silence out here in Long Island, enhanced by the reliable ticking of an old clock.
Last night we watched the sun set at a beach, with luke warm waves caressing our feet.
I would post the pictures I took IF my camera wouldn't have broke! I know; disaster!! But it's somewhat ok, the clever giftgiver that gave me my beloved camera last Christmas happened to be very smart (or know my luck???). The camera is insured! Phew!
Poor thing, as soon as I'm back in the city I'll go to the camera ER and let it be healed at the electronics hospital.
Yesterday I was tired and felt like it's so unfair; I can never just have a good time and know that everything's ok, something always have to go wrong! Even if it's small things it's such a scornful irony.
But maybe I have to accept that life is never perfect, it's just about appreciating the things that's actually good, seeking them up and focusing on that once you find them, work hard to get the most out of them...and try to let go of those other worries. Let them be and let go with a trust they will somehow be resolved in the best way in the future.
One can need vacation for less. It's tireing to be optimistic. Well, rather exhausted from that so now I will enjoy my lovely Sunday.
Over all I did have a fantastic Saturday; dance classes, lunch in a city park, train out to long island, surrounded by awesome people and beautiful nature. Ahhh life =)
18 July, 2009
Tonight I'm going to take a break though from NYC. I'm not going to go far nor stay long but just enough to get some calmness and a day at the beach. =D
16 July, 2009
My day today
Weeks ago I walked past a painting which had recently been put up. I had been thinking that "that was not a good place to hang a painting, it's gonna fall". I hate that I'm always right! Of course it did not just fall when I walked past it, it also landed on my foot. With the sharp corner, of course.
It went down something like the first 2 minutes of this video...
I saw a bruise quickly growing on my foot and I was icing it.
For over two days the foot kept on swelling. The foot was not only like a purple, almost black, balloon, it was also so sore I had trouble walking normally and even sleeping at night because of the pain.
I X-rayed it but no fracture thankfully.
It's over a month ago now but I still have a sore bump on it. Looks fine now though.
Just that...you know...I'm a dancer! I need my foot intact!
Since it's been hurting for so long my body has started to compensate in the weight bearing so I'm tensing my foot when I'm walking and using it the wrong way. Yeah point is that it hurts still when I try to dance, and it's so weak.
But it's getting better and better.
Today I took the ballet bar, felt fine just until the end. My reward was a nice brunch in the sunny park and then I took a long nice dance class warm-up. Hung out with a friend for a while, met up with another friend and caught up some. Really nice =) After that I was so tired I just went home showered and fell asleep. Since I didn't sleep any last night. So now I'm awake again...stupid hours but hey I'll get through the days my way...even if it's not the best way ;)
15 July, 2009
Blog application??
Problem with texting is mainly two things: Can't add photos (since iPhones don't have mms) and I do take pics with my phone sometimes. Also I haven't figured out a way to write a "headline", a post title.
I'm pulling an allnighter now..couldn't sleep, slept all day. Going to class in a few hours, I'm really looking forward to it, wish I could go now already! Worried I might be too tired to be excited when it's actually time ;)
Well it's just another day another class, I'll be fine and do better tomorrow, more energy then hopefully =)
14 July, 2009
Dutch Kills update

13 July, 2009
12 July, 2009
Life at it's best

Life at it's best!!! Just been swimming in the ocean, eaten some fruit and snacks, now lying in the sun with nice friends listening to music. Doesn't get much better than this. Just fantasticly wonderful. I love this. So relaxing and uplifting.
The best thing of it all is the sound of the waves and the sand between my toes. Mother earth I love you ;)
Dutch Kills!
It's located in LIC, Queens, just a quick (and cheap) cab ride away from my place in Manhattan. Subway works fine too, been doing that a few times, even in the winter the stop felt close. Recommend weekdays though, Saturday night was a little bit too crowded for my taste, at a place like this.
Now I'm gonna get slightly buzzed, ordering my third drink, bartenders choice =)

10 July, 2009
Beach and dance. That is a perfect summer! So crossing my fingers.
Forecast told thunderstorms in the beginning of this week but now it looks like it's gonna go my way =)
Figured out I can text posts from my phone. Guess if that's easier for me!! I'm a textaddict ;) so now you can expect more frequent updates from me, he he.