About my thoughts everyday art opinions politics photos feelings. Mostly in english but some in swedish and some in "swenglish".
31 August, 2009
24 August, 2009
22 August, 2009
MY cute computer - welcome back!
About my blogging again
21 August, 2009
I have a weird habit. To accidently match. Mostly outfits. But
here's an example I just had to take a picture of when I realized:
I analyze myself and am thinking: maybe my personality give in to the spur of the moment, my temporary but intense feeling, very straight on. Without much thought.
Or the opposite. My mind likes to organize. Even when I'm unaware, my brain tries to simplify through sorting colors and patterns. When I'm thinking that I'm just grabbing the nearest thing my brain has already made a concious choice.
Yes I'm overtired and overanalyzing. But it's interesting sometimes, even the silly details. I like details. Obviously, hence this subject.
Health Care
First of all most republicans seem to think socialism and communism is the same thing. Actually most Americans seem to think that.
Dictionary.com explains socialism as "a theory or system of social
organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control
of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc.,
in the community as a whole."
And communism as "a system of social organization in which all
economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state
dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party."
I saw the daily show with Jon Stewart (comedy news show) where they brought up the made up "death panels". They made the point that of course the government shouldn't get to decide if someone would be allowed to live or die. Such a great decision should be where it is now: in the hands of corporate insurance companies.....
I think that says it all!
14 August, 2009
12 August, 2009
10 August, 2009
03 August, 2009
New posts
Also, I just posted some pictures (taken with my phone so not so good quality)
here below
but since I emailed them in earlier they ended up being posted before my latest post.