15 July, 2012

Growing up, getting old.

So this is what it's like growing up...getting old...
All the music artists you grow up with (by choice or blasted from radios or MTV) are dying off. Your childhood heroes are long since gone, faded or has disappointed. Relatives die. Parents die. You might still have some people that are very important around you but you're starting to realize: this is it. It's up to you. Now it's time for you to create your life. It will not go any further than you take it. Is this what you imagined? Have you changed your priorities? Are you here because you want to, out of habit or because you're out of options? You never are; The options might not be great at the moment, but they're always there. You just have to make the decision, might it be an active one or a passive one. Who are you surrounding yourself with, and why? Are you good to yourself? Are you accepting yourself for who you are? The limitations and the possibilities...?
So many old questions are starting to become relevant once again. And you have a nagging feeling that this might be the last chance to answer them before they turn into only theory. You want the answers to affect your life in reality, with awareness, not just become empty phrases in hindsight.

Maybe, if you're lucky, it's not about "growing up and getting old" but about " constantly growing and growing wise".