I wish I was a better person. There are many things I try to avoid to buy. I always choose what I think is the better brand when I have a choice. But sometimes when I don't have a choice I cheat. But that's how the companies do it, because they know. They make sure that there's nothing other than their brand around. If there was a more organized movement around this I think I would be more disciplined for several reasons; I would know that there's others like me, I would feel like we're actually making a difference, may it be small....And also I would feel like I have more support.
I try to boycott Nestlé, but they own like a third of all products out there, so I'm probably buying it without knowing.
I would like more knowledge about this kind of stuff. Maybe the brand I choose because I think it's better is actually worse?
I try to boycott Coca Cola. But all of the sudden when I maybe ordered a drink I notice it's not Pepsi, but actually Coke. Some even say that Pepsi are as bad. I doubt that they are AS bad, and have actually never heard any proof that they would be worse than any other company, but as long as Coca Cola is around I choose the lesser of two evils.
I boycott McDonalds. Easy, I wouldn't wanna eat their food anyway. Especially not in NY where you have so many almost as cheap alternatives that tastes so much better and are so much healthier.
I boycott the Olympics in China.
And soon I'm gonna boycott negative thinking. Ha!
Very clever post.
How, specifically, are you going to "boycott the Olympics in China"? By not partaking, by not visiting Beijing or by not watching the telly? ;-)
Sara, yes after consideration I decided not to participate... ha ha ...no but seriously, as you said: boycott it by not going there, not watching it, not buying any of the products associated with it. I'm not even gonna play the olympicinspired video games.
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