24 February, 2009

An Oscar to most realistic played illness. Hah. (?)

So I've been knocked out by a sinus infection that must have looked something like this; ( Googled monster and found this picture at http://macmcrae.com/?tag=monster)

At least it seemed as happy and energetic to suck out all the energy from me. It feels like I've been in a coma for weeks. With occasional moments of wakeness. Though not nearly as cute as this monster you get the idea...it was nasty and boring and frustrating instead.
Then I got antibiotics that killed the half ounce of energy that was left in me.
Hopefully it knocked out the sinus infection while it was at it... but my sinuses still hurts and seem to have inflamed my jaw too! Some energy is coming back though yooohooo! ...Maybe. We'll see. If I collapse for days after today's dance class.

Ok now I'm (maybe) done complaining!

So now I don't have much to say. Because that's been my life for weeks. So boring am I.
Except that I'm questioning everything. As usual. Where to start? ;)
Why narrow it done to relevant things? That would be too obvious.

Everybody else is buzzing about the Oscars. Sorry, but I don't care much.
I've spent my half sitting/ half lying days in the couch or bed playing my ps3 I got for my birthday. So much fun! I would have traded it for energy to take a dance class any time but even if the ps3 didn't win the Oscar for most desired activity it was clearly nominated and took a secure second place.
It's ok I dare to say it because my ps3 already knows how loved it is by me, along with my wii, my camera and my iphone. None of them read my blog either. Oh, except my iPhone...
I'm materialistic. Things and money definitely buys me happiness. Anything else would be a lie. Lots and lots of money would make life so much simpler. Even though I'm sure other problems come with it.
Yet I'm willing to sacrifice all the money I've could have earned if I chose a different career. Because after all some things in life makes me happier than any game console. Like friends and family, being creative, and being fortunate enough to be able to move my body: to dance, or to swim in the ocean. Sadly to keep up all that a certain amount of money is still needed. That's life. As we know it.

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