16 March, 2009

Any suggestions??

I have so much trouble falling asleep at night. My body takes so long to end the day. Sometimes I'm worrying and stressing, and the thoughts keep me from surrendering to sleep. Often I'm just too excited about the simple things in life and I want it to be the next day NOW so I can take that dance class or cook that dinner or see that friend or take those photos. Or my mind is writing in my head, if I would give after I would take notes every ten minutes all night. If I was a writer I could give in to that. Now I'm a dancer and it's physical and I need my sleep!

Anyone having any ideas about what I could do? Would appreciate any suggestions.
I don't want sleeping pills, I'm so sensitive to that and don't want to be drowsy the next day.


John said...

Hi Sofia - I know of some breathing and relaxation techniques that worked for me in getting to sleep. Let me know if you want the details - a bit long winded to write out fully if its not what you want !! Regards, John.

Swedish Fish said...

hej sofia :)
jag e tillbaks i bloggosfären efter låååång break. jag behövde det. nu bloggar jag om konst o design eftersom jag startat egen firma :D. har tagit break även från andras bloggar men nu e jag här igen hehe och öppen för omvärlden ;). kul att läsa om dina tankar. för sömnlösheten skulle jag rekommendera att slappna av en del i taget av kroppen, allt fokus på avslappning alltså, och en del i taget. det brukar hjälpa när jag har svårt att sova. stor kram!!!

Sofia said...

I've been sooo slow at checking my blog but thanks for the suggestions, lovely Swedish Fish =)
And John, actually, that would be very nice if you would like to describe, anything that works would be GREAT!