27 November, 2010

Snowstorm vs 83 degrees

This morning I received a picture from my brother in snowy Sweden and another picture from my friend in Hawaii. As I'm giggling a bit at the contrasts I'm also thinking about how much I want, need, to travel, and these two images really represents to where.
My body is craving sunshine and vacation, relaxing at a beach somewhere warm and to swim in the ocean! But my soul craves a visit where I have my roots. To go back to where I come from, the place that will always be a part of my identity. Above all, I NEED to see my family. I miss them so much it has become an aching pain I'm constantly carrying around. I also have friends there I'm missing so badly; I feel like I'm missing a part of myself.
If all goes well, cross your fingers and say a prayer please, I'll go to Sweden in February or early spring.
If I somehow could afford it that would give me enough time to go on a short vacation somewhere.

Money...ah, sigh.
So many holes to fill.
My laptop is getting older and older, soon it will retire, if it doesn't go senile first... I haven't had a camera since I lost mine about five months ago, my creativity is itching for a new one.
Being winter and all i also feel a need to improve my home, my clothes and things like a new blanket for example.
But soon I'll be climbing on the walls if I don't get out of this city! Only fun if I know I get to come back of course! =) I love my home; my New York City. Although if I don't get any other perspective soon I might grow to resent it. I really don't want that to happen because life here can be so fantastic!
.........How to prioritize?


Anonymous said...

You have until tomorrow..

Anonymous said...

For future reference:

Of course a new blanket sounds good too.

bestfriend said...
