15 October, 2008


My electronics are starting to fall apart...all at once. So annoying. I love my little thingys...

My digital camera is giving me problems again. (Acting like it's out of batteries even when they're brand new.) I smashed the touch screen on my Nintendo DS. Aoch. So unnecessary.

Nothing is wrong with my phone except that I changed to a new skin. Just see through plastic. I'm usually good at those things but oh no so horrible this got! Bubbles and fingerprints and not pretty at all.

This is so not real problems, I know.

But it's those little things that have made me feel luxurious, that has entertained me and actually been giving me some happiness. It's not only mindless entertainment. The camera as a tool to create art, the ds as a tool in practicing my Spanish. My toys...that I now miss to play with.

But not to worry, I can still spoil myself with my wii at home =)

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