10 November, 2009

A slow come back...?

I don't want to stop writing. But when I've had a never ending sinus infection and no energy what so ever...well then I have nothing to write about: Haven't done much interesting, haven't had energy to read something to be upset or excited enough to write about, haven't taken any interesting photos or done much creative at all...
It's depressing to be sick. Surprise surprise.

It's like when friends call. Or send an email. It's ok to say I have a cold right now, but one month later it's not ok to say it any more. Then they'll start wondering what's wrong with me, have you been to the doctor, you have the swine flu, you should eat this, you should sleep better, aaaarghhh
deep breath: I'm grateful to have concerned friends. But I don't let them be, any more, because I just get tired of saying I'm sick, so I don't respond... I know, I know... but the only thing I should've done is to be born with a better immune defense, without allergies. I'm finally done blaming myself for getting sick every now and then. It only took me about 20 years so I don't expect anyone else to understand... That's why I become a bad friend and ignore calls and texts and letters.
I hate getting sick so much I rather deny it. So next subject.

Something very positive for me =)
I'm moving from Manhattan to Astoria, Queens!
A much bigger apartment. It's a loft style apartment with one bedroom. The bedroom is slightly bigger than the current one, the livingroom is bigger than the entire current apartment, bigger bathroom and lots and lots of closet space. With balcony... gonna be so nice!
Even though I love Manhattan it feels good to get away from the hectic life here, to feel like you're coming "home", recharging, relaxing more.
(It's like with a job you love: you can still be overworked!)
Especially since I'm probably gonna go in every day anyways.

I loved living in Brooklyn. I loved coming into Manhattan every day, but I loved coming home to Brooklyn every day too. I have missed those days lately. Felt like I had so much more time every day back then. I miss being complacently bored. Like always in Sweden. You know those days when you're done with all that you need to do and you're just home anyways so why not bake a cake/ take up knitting / finish a few books / paint / write ...etc.

Maybe it's an age thing. Maybe life was just simpler when I was a few years younger? But it hasn't changed that much so it doesn't really makes sense.

Since I'm feeling better now, still not good but hey it's much better and in the right direction, I've decided the move is the point where things are gonna turn around for me, in all areas. Sounds reasonable right?

1 comment:

Andreas said...

Amen. From your blog to God's ears.
