15 May, 2008

Health care

There's many obvious cons with the kind of health care they have in the US. But there are suppose to be a few pros with it. I've heard American doctors complain about the long waiting times in countries with health care for everyone. As I've understood it the few good things about the American system is that for those who have insurance the care you get is good care, and that there's not suppose to be any waiting times. I'm writing right now to kill both these myths. From own experience.

Last week I needed to see a doctor for very simple reasons. I've started feeling these pollen really bad and I just needed to get a prescription. It took me days and days to call around to try to find a doctor within the next week. Impossible. Finally I found a walk in clinic, but that doesn't mean I have received my medication yet. That's an even longer story but I think you already got the picture.

Also earlier I received a serious knee injury. The waiting times to see my doctor or just to communicate with him took longer than my actual rehabilitation. He wanted to do surgery. I saw another doctor for a second opinion that said that he didn't see any need for this type of surgery but wanted to do another surgery. Do I need to mention that they get paid more for every surgery they get to do?

I felt like a walking moneybag they were ready to dig in to, looking for reasons. I did not trust these doctors. Today I'm dancing without any pain in my knee. And I never had any surgery done.

This system does not benefit anyone but maybe only a few of the richest doctors or the very few richest people that been "lucky" to find a doctor they trust.

It's time for a change in this country. If I could vote I would vote for Hillary Clinton and for universal health care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

vad jag alltid gör när jag försöker hitta en ny doktor är att kolla upp vilka som är bäst inom det området (det finns böcker som kommer ut varje år). och sen är det bara att kolla upp vilka som finns under din insurance. jag har en jättebra allergiläkare om du vill ha numret till henne.