21 July, 2008


Gaaaaaaaaah! It hurts! ....And OMG I'm bleeding!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!
I'm nauseous and it hurts and i'm bleeding.
But as a girl or woman I just have to pretend like nothing is happening. Go to school or work anyways. Even jump around and play and be sporty anyways if that's what was at the schedule for today.

If this happened to guys....I'm sure they would at least get paid time off from work for this.

There are women who have their period without any "side effects". But there are also women who's in pain. Who's so nauseous they can barely move. Women who have bad headaches, stomach aches, vagina aches.
And this they have to endure almost every month, year after year. Sure there are pills that help some. Others get depressed from them instead. Or angry or emotional. If that wasn't already the case without the pills.
But still there is an expectation to function as a "normal human being" in the mean time.

I will never know, but I'm just so convinced this is something that would have been treated differently if it was men who had to live with it.
For one thing it would have been more out in the open and more ok to talk about tampons and pads and the pain and even the blood.
I also believe that they probably would have gotten paid time off from work for this. And definitely the medical research around it would have been more founded and gotten so much further.


Anonymous said...

AMEN TO THAT!!! lucky for me though when i get my period it only last 2 days, 3 at the most, but i do get those cramps. It bothers me though when guys freak out about it. I know its nasty, but seriously...how do you think we feel? Sore boobs is another symptom and one of my worse! I get the cramps, but then only last for a few days, but my boobs are sore for about 2 weeks before i start and then after that im good until im about to start again. I wish we could have paid time off for this crap! Working and cramping do not mix, especially the emotions that get tied with it. Its like emotional overload. One minute your fine then the next something sets you off and you cant stop crying, and then a few hours later you become a B****. IT SUCKS! (this subject drives me crazy cuz men just do not know what it is like and they will never understand!) GRRRRR

Mats said...

hehe... Vagina aches.

Call me juvenile, but that's funny wording. :-)