15 September, 2008

Evil eye


Am I bitter? Yes...

Just so typical, my luck.

Today I was supposed to dance like crazy... Instead I'm sitting at home with an eye that's extremly red and I'm worried, wondering what it could be.
It started two, three days ago, it hurt and was rinning and the white part of my eye wasn't white anymore but pink and red. (No gross gish though thankfully.)
To rest it has helped, I can open it fully now again, it doesn't hurt as much anymore and I'm starting to see some white parts of my eyeball now, yay.
If it's gets worse after dancing tomorrow I'll go to the doctor.
Let's hope today is gonna do the trick and I'll be fine by tomorrow morning, perfect!!


Anonymous said...

du har säkert fått the pink eye. be careful det är väldigt smittsamt. gå till läkaren så går det över på ett par dagar.

hoppas allt är bra med dig. vill du ses på fika snart?

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Feel better soon. Hugs!!!

Sofia said...

Thanks for the concerned comments! =)

It was a blood vessel that bursted. Learned that it could happened from just rubbing your eyes. Scary.
But that means I'm fine, no infection, just a little bit tender and very very red eye that soon will be fine!

Anna, ja absolut, fika på Fika kanske??

Anonymous said...

ja, jag kan vilken dag som helst efter klockan fem. så säg en dag som passar dig! kul!