02 November, 2008


John McCain wants to change Washington. Barack Obama wants to change the country.

It means something more than the obvious. McCain's focus is on the people with power, the people with money. Obama's focus is on all of us.

I come from a country where taxes have made the difference, they have made it possible to achieve more equality and more quality that the entire country benefits from. I can not understand the objection and selfishness that I hear about, the reaction from the rich that want to "keep their own money" that they earn. Don't they see that what they get back is worth more than what they will pay in taxes? Not only because it's so important that you can't value it in money but also because you get your money's worth literally. Health care and education for everybody does not only cost less for everyone compared to how much it would cost when it's every man for himself. The benefits of a well being country will also benefit the wealthy. The surroundings and the environment for yourself, for your kids, for everyone. When you have an entire country's good in mind it's good for, exactly: everyone! Equality benefits us all, because it gives us all a priceless quality of life.

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