14 November, 2008

The name Hussein

It's so scary.
The racism that's spreading in this country.
I've seen arguments online, well let me give you a quote: (the republicans) "elects a president who orders the capture and death of a hussein and comes through...your jackass democratic party elects a man named hussein to replace him."

People are not talking politics anymore. They are hating.
They're basically claiming that if you have a common name as Hussein you must be a bad person since you have the same name as Saddam Hussein. Where's the logic in this?

Obamas name Hussein been argued before. If you google "the name Hussein" you get a lot of hits referring to Obama. And also this information:
Meaning: "Good Boy, Good Looking Boy"
Origin: Arabic
Both African and Arabic usage and has several variations in spelling.

So if a dictator happened to be greek and named Sofia, that would mean that I'm an evil person? I don't think it even means that all greeks are bad people. And I can not by any means see the connection that all swedish people would be evil? Because there is a lot of swedish people named Sofia. And that is the kind of (lack of) logic that's being argued here.

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