25 September, 2009


Aaaah sweet materialism!

While NYC is having a hard time letting go of summer, my cold is having a hard time letting go of me. But I bribed myself with shopping and took a long walk in the sun from Union square down through Soho, all the way down to Leonard Street.
Not only did I manage to get out and be up and about yesterday, but the shopping actually made me wake up with a smile on my face this morning, going through what I bought yesterday...because when I got home last night I was too tired to appreciate it really, though I forced myself to stay up long enough for my sleeping hours to get back on track. (I did wake up around 5 am yesterday.)

I'm still coughing and my lungs hurt, but being in the sun and doing something fun gave me a little bit of energy, so I'm gonna try the same thing today =)

Lunch with friends and simple walks is step one to get back on track after this terrible chain of colds that's been haunting me. I'm trying to ease back in to "real life" so I don't end up getting so exhausted that I get sick AGAIN...but it's hard, I'm already thinking of going and take a class....I want to so bad!!

1 comment:

Andreas said...


And those boots you bought were really cool. :-)