06 January, 2009

new month

I've been dancing, I've been dancing. Moving again. I haven't been away for that long but it's still too long! Just a few weeks. But so great to be back. Had that feeling of "yes, I'm at "home", where I'm supposed to be, where I love to be!! Such a good feeling that reminded me why I'm doing this. Sacrifizing everything else. Sacrificing any other education. My home country. And money.
When it comes to money I have a theory. Well I have two. (well actually I'm full of them LOL)
If I earned money, and lots of it, I would use it to become happy. How would I become happy? By just dance and work with dance all day. Sometimes it feels so unfair, and other times it feels so worth it anyways.

The reason it's so little money in dance, and so little attention compared to other artforms, I think must be because that's mostly woman practice it. This I base on how in every other area in society where there's mostly woman it works the same way.
In every other artform there's a chance, if ever so slight, to hit it big. There's of course music superstars. There's also paintings that sell for fortunes. There's worldfamous actors that earn millions. In dance...there's nothing like that. Not even that slight chance of "making it".


Ladislav Selepko said...

And yet I believe a dancer has an advantage to a writer or a poet. He/she does not even need that piece of paper and a pen. But, of course, the latter can memorize and perfom by heart. So that, all said and done, it is fifty - fifty at least.

Sofia said...

That's true! A dancer always have the instrument with her (/him). To be the instrument itself I think adds to the intimate experiance of dance.

As a writer it must be impossible to remember the words and create without a pen and paper, or a computer or a phone. To me, when I sometimes still write, how the words look on the paper (/screen) takes me to what's coming next. Just like with dance, it's hard to just imagine a series of movements, because then when you try and actually do it, the movements have a new momentum to it and takes you another direction.
So I agree with you, to always have your tool to create with you is a freedom, an advantage.
Because I have to admit sometimes you do see me mark back and forward on the subway platform waiting for the train...
And very often, in the shower or outdoors somewhere, I wish I could write that frase of words down because minutes later I don't remember it anymore.