10 January, 2009

Read me

I added a new element here to the right. It's an option to subscribe so you can get noticed when I've updated the blog, whenever I write something new. You can choose to follow publicly or anonymously. You can choose to follow this blog if you know me and want to know what I'm thinking about or if you just want to read what a random person in NYC have to say or if you always disagree with what I'm saying so as soon as I write something you can comment and let me know what you're thinking! You're all welcome =)


Andreas said...

Äcksällännt ajdija! Aj oill fållou jår soinglish blågg.

Sofia said...

Jäss isant itt? Gräjt, oälkåm!
Aj oill rajt mår värry soon. =P