09 April, 2008


Ok I'm back! I will write more often in the future. But I've been visited by flue, cold 1, 2, 3 and 100, and when i took a walk from union square to times square this past Monday I noticed that the trees have started blooming so I guess that also explains this pollen allergic person's lack of energy...

But now the colds are over (I refuse one more!!)...knock on wood...and I'm back into dancing and thinking lots about art again...what art is, what dance is. My body is sore from training again, but if there is such a thing as good pain, that's what it feels like! =)

So for better (warm sun) and for worse (pollen) the spring is here, I can feel it. It wont be cold again. But more importantly it's here in a metaphorical way. Spring in my mind.
I love summer and beach and just the fact to be comfortable outside without layers and layers of clothes and the air doesn't hurt to breath is so wonderful and I can't wait. But at the same time I think spring is a rough season. I get slightly depressed. Worrying analyzing too much. Evaluating the year that's passed. The winter. Like the mind is waking up from it's winter hibernation.

But I guess I'm not alone in that feeling. At least Karin Boye's famous quote summarize the feeling. "Det gör ont när knoppar brister". (whats the translation?? it hurts when buds bloom???)

Is that what's happening to me when spring comes: I bloom? Ha! Sure feels like it. So many times I've heard, "and you're supposed to be from Sweden"... whenever I complained about the cold. I love snow. But even more I love a warm beach, being in the ocean....aaaaaah!

Now I have to hurry, I'm gonna go and take ballet class, he he

/Ballerina in the making

1 comment:

Andreas said...

Glad to see you’re back and feeling better. We had a snow storm in Umeå today. Well, not exactly a storm perhaps, but lots and lots of snow and really hard winds… In April no less!

Whatever happened to those lofty promises of global warming? I want my warm and cozy spring now!!!